We are passionate about Passive House principles and implementation. There is a growing global movement that recognises we need to change current practices in order to reduce the impacts of climate change and protect the earth for future generations. Key to this change is making choices for sustainable living, the Passive House concept is a natural one when building a new home and in some countries such as Ireland is now mandatory.
Why consider Passive House for your dream home?
Quality - Passive House performance is based on thermal bridge free design. It is impossible to achieve the standards without excellent quality and workmanship in every aspect of the design and build
Energy Efficiency - Passive homes achieve maximum thermal gain using the heat of the sun and the heat that everyday living generates in order to heat
Comfort - excellent air quality, health benefits, noise reduction and stable temperatures year round
Affordability - numerous studies have shown that the initial outlay to achieve Passive house standards is offset by the energy savings of the property
The Passivhaus standard is achieved using a combination of proven methods for air tightness, insulation and certified windows and doors.
"Passive House is a building standard that is truly energy efficient, comfortable and affordable."
Passive House Institute